Why Is It Important to enable two-step authentication for your YouCan store?


Having different security measures in place is essential in keeping an account safe and secure, therefore, as a store owner, it is your responsibility to keep your store safe. For that reason, we introduce "Two-step authentication".

Two-step authentication is a process that adds an additional layer of security to your account by generating a one-time code each time you log in with the help of the Google Authenticator app.

We HIGHLY recommended that you enable two-step authentication to make your account more secure.

How to enable two-step authentication?

It's very simple, first, download the "Google Authenticator app" from the Play Store or App Store.

Then go to the account settings section and click on the "Two-step authentication" option, then click on enable two-step authentication.

- Scan the QR code using the Google Authenticator app you’ve downloaded.

- Enter the code generated by the Google Authenticator app in the authentication field.

- Click on Enable.

After enabling it, you’ll get a verification code from the google authenticator app every time you log in.

Check out the following video for more details:

You can also visit our YouTube channel to benefit from the other tutorial videos that we provide to YouCan users.

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