How to add CSS code to your store ?


If you want to personalize your store with additional settings that do not figure in your store’s settings, you can search for CSS or JavaScript codes and integrate them. Thanks to CSS/JavaScript configs section you have, you are not limited to the tools offered by YouCan but you can also add your personal touch and customize your store however you want. 

How you can use CSS/JavaScript code in your store ?

Here are some ideas you can get inspired from to benefit from this option : 

  • Change the footer’s design with CSS code, watch this video to get more information.
  • Add movement and animation to any section in your store.
  • Customize the theme with a CSS code.
  • Make your forms and buttons responsive.

In the Online settings, you have two CSS/Javascript sections you can customize :

Steps to add CSS/Javascript code

  1. Go to Online settings then click on CSS/JavaScript configs.
  2. You have two sections, one for the header and the second one for the footer.
  3. Insert the CSS/Javascript code in the concerned section.
  4. Click on Save.


  • If you want to customize the body of the page, paste the code in the Header section.
  • You can add as many CSS/Javascript as you want.

Steps to customize the Thank You page with a CSS/Javascript code

  1. Go to Online Settings then click on the CSS/JavaScript thank you page.
  2. You have two sections, one for the header and the second one for the footer.
  3. Insert the CSS/Javascript code in the concerned section.
  4. Click on Save.

Note: Do not forget to surround your custom code with the correct tags

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