How to set the store theme settings and how to add a Logo & favicon?


The theme section (as already presented here) is where you can add your touch to your store, where you can custom the colors, how the footer and the header look, what menus you want to have in store, how you want your products to be displayed, and more...

For the theme settings section, you can first change font settings, store theme colors, and logo & favicon settings.

Theme settings section contains: 

Font settings

We provide you with several great and free fonts to use in the content of your store. All you have to do is choose the font you prefer and then preview it in the preview field to get an idea of how it will look to your store visitors.

We have also allocated some recommendations regarding the recommended fonts that you can use to save you some effort.

  1. Recommended fonts: the platform recommends fonts for you according to the language selected.
  2. Menu section font: allow you to select the menu’s font. 
  3. Preview: here you can preview your chosen font.
  4. Body section font: here you can select the body section font.
  5. Preview: here you can check how the selected font will look for the body section of your store.

Theme colors

To make changes to your store theme color you can use the following options:

  1. Primary: this one allows you to change the following colors: 
    ـــ Related products 
    ـــ Add review bar
    ـــ Continue to shipping mode bar
    ـــ Return to cart bar
    ـــ Pay bar
    ـــ Continue shopping bar

  2. Body background

  3. Success: This one allows you to change the banner's color that comes out when an action is done successfully.

  4. Info: This one allows you to change the color of the banner that comes out to inform you.

  5. Warning: This one allows you to change the color of the banner that comes out to warn you about a susceptible danger.
  6. Danger: This one allows you to change the color of the banner that comes out when you’re facing a danger

(*) When facing any problem in changing colors, don't hesitate to get in touch with the support team to determine the objects and colors to be used.

Logo & Favicon

Your business logo is a very important element among the rest of the store's design elements. It can generally be an image, text, geometric shape, or a combination of the three. It symbolically reflects the store's identity, but it should be more than just an identification symbol. You can tell the story of the store and contribute through it to creating a great impression that invites customers to interact with your brand and distinguishes you from your competitors.

So invest this element well, make your store logo stand out, and then upload it here, (make sure you respect the recommended image sizes). 

On the other hand, a favicon is a small pixel icon (usually 32x32 or 16x16 in size), that serves to represent a website or webpage, and its primary purpose is to help visitors locate your page easier when they have multiple tabs open.

Create your favicon and upload it to the space provided next to the logo field (make sure you respect the size note).

Image Modal

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