How to use the Insights section?


Your online store will require constant improvement and a change of direction in order to succeed. You need to always keep track of your customers feedback and the number of orders you make. This information will allow you to understand better your client's behavior and how much you earn. 

YouCan gives you all the information you need on the Insights page

Overview of the Insight dashboard

The statistics of your store are categorized into sections to make the information clear for you, you can filter the statistics data by a period of time. Here are the sections you find in the dashboard:

Note: The information you find in the dashboard is displayed based on the period of time you select. 

- Orders and earnings statistics: You have a sum up of the orders you received alongside the earnings you made presented in a graph. 

You also have:

  • The total number of orders you made.
  • The max order value refers to the highest order value you received since the opening of your store.
  • The average order value you usually receive.
  • The min order value which means the lowest order value you have received since the opening of your store.

- Traffic: All the information related to the traffic is shown in this section, you have an idea about the number of visitors, how many times your pages are viewed, and the conversion rate which refers to the number of visits that were converted into a purchase. 

When you scroll down, you will also find a graph that gives you information about your store’s traffic source.

- Customers: In this section, you have the number of customers who purchased from your store, the number of the customer that returned to buy again from your store, and the rate of these returning customers.

- Online store conversion rate: This section gives you all the information you need about the actions that have been made in your store. You have the rate of checkout phases; added cart, reached checkout, and the ones that made it to the purchase stage.

You also have in this part the number of orders by each checkout type page so you can know the most used checkout type in your store.

- Top products: you have a list of the most purchased products in your store and how many times the products were viewed so you can keep track of your customer’s preferences. 

- Top countries: if you have an international store and you sell in different countries, this section will help you to know the list of countries from which you receive the highest number of orders and how much you earn from each one.

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