The value of Multi-currency converter


If you want to expand your business and attract a diversified segment of customers. Your store needs to be flexible and adapted to potential customers. That is why a multi-currency converter will be so helpful.

YouCan offers you the multi-currency converter tool for free. The tool changes the currency based on your customer’s location. So you can give them an enhanced experience.

The tool offers a unique experience to your customers depending on their country. Making your store easy to use is the first step to gaining your customer’s trust. Making your store easy to use is the first step to gaining your customer’s trust. 

Steps to enable the multicurrency converter:

  1. Log in to your seller area.

  2. Go to settings and click on Multi-currency.

  3. Enable Multi-currency converter.

  4. If you also want to show price decimals, enable it as well.

  5. Click on save.

Read these articles to discover other tools offered by YouCan to scale your business.

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