How to use the Details section?


In the details section, you have a set of basic settings you can customize to make your store stand out and differentiate yourself from your competitors. 

Here are the sections you can edit :

1. General information about your store: You have the possibility to change the name of your store and your store email address. You can also add a description that explains your business.

Note: Your customers will use this information to contact you.

2. Logo and favicon: You can include a personalized logo that represents your band and add a favicon as well so your potential customers can recognize you. Pay attention to the image size specified. 

Pro tip: There are some websites that enable you to convert a logo into a favicon format. Search for "favicon generator" and you will find many websites that offer this option.

3. Payment settings: You can change your store’s currency and specify how the currency will be displayed. You also have in this section other settings related to the payment process and the orders’s limit, here is how you can customize them :

  • Max checkout amount: this section stands for how much your customer is allowed to purchase from your store, meaning the amount of money he can not exceed.

  • Max checkout quantity: this section stands for the number of products the customer is allowed to purchase.

Note: Check out this article that explains in detail these two settings. 

When orders are made or manually created, the reference number is automatically generated, you have the possibility to customize it and either add letters before the number reference or after it : 

  • Order prefix: in this section, you can add letters before the number. 

  • Order suffix: in this section, you can add letters after the number. 

  • Order VAT: you can customize the percentage of VAT and specify it in this section. 

  • Time Zone: you can modify the time zone of your store, just search for the convenient one and do not forget to click on save. 

  • Custom robots.txt content: “Robots.txt is a text file on the server that you can customize for search engine bots. It tells search engine bots which directories, web pages, or links should be indexed or not be indexed in search results.”

Note: The custom robots.txt section is only customizable if a custom domain is your primary store domain. 

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